There are many differences between the various martial arts that exist today. They all have their own goals, principles, and types of techniques, as well as different concepts and training methods based on this. This table is designed to help you understand how Hwa Rang Do® and Tae Soo Do® compares to other martial arts.
For new practitioners to the martial arts, Hwa Rang Do® presents a diverse set of skills and techniques to help build your foundation. For those that have previous martial arts training, we guarantee that Hwa Rang Do® can offer something new to round-out your skills.
The above table should provide greater understanding as to why Hwa Rang Do® is truly one of the most comprehensive martial art systems in the world. Our training encompasses every facet of martial skills and tactics and as students progress in their training with us, the knowledge level and vastness of their martial experience will also progress significantly.
More on other traditional martial arts:
Aikido: the way of gathering Ki
Similar styles: Aikijutsu, Hapkido
Origin: Japan
Founder: Morei Ueshiba
Characterizations: mostly standup joint-manipulation techniques
Hapkido: the way of gathering Ki
Origin: Korea
Founder: credited to Yong Sul Choi (same name as Aikido but in Korean)
Characterizations: originally mostly standup joint-manipulation techniques until Joo Bang Lee’s (Founder of Hwa Rang Do) involvement in the 60’s which resulted in the addition of kicking and some weaponry
Judo: the soft way
Origin: Japan
Founder: Dr. Jigoro Kano
Characterizations: an Olympic sport which mainly focuses on throws and takedowns with some grappling
Jujitsu: the soft technique
Other forms: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Gracie Jiu Jitsu, Machado Jiu JItsu
Origin: Japan
Founder: Minamoto Silla Sabro
Characterizations: joint-locks, choking, grappling
Note: one of the oldest Japanese martial arts, founded by a Hwarang warrior from the Kingdom of Silla
Karate-do: The way of empty hand
Similar styles: Shotokan, Isshinryu, Kempo, Kyohushin
Origin: Japan
Founder: Gichin Funakoshi
Characterizations: mostly hand strikes and kicking (favoring more hands) techniques with some weaponry
Kung Fu: The Study
Origin: China
Founder: unknown
Characterizations: soft flowing movements
Muai Thai: Thai Boxing
Origin: Thailand
Founder: unknown
Characterizations: often referred to as “The Science of Eight Limbs”, as the hands, feet, elbows, and knees are all used extensively
Taekwondo: The way of foot and hand
Origin: South Korea
Founder: General Choi
Characterizations: Korean national sport, hand strikes and kicking, but primary focus on kicking
Wing Chun: Forever Springtime
Origin: China
Founder: Ng Mui
Characterizations: mostly hand movements
Wu Shu: National Art
Origin: China
Founder: unknown
Characterizations: Soft circular movements, extensive in weaponry and forms, Chinese national sport.
Note: The competitive sparring aspect of Wushu is San-Shou, which is a full-contact fighting application with kicking, punching, and throws.