While one of the first questions many people ask when it comes to looking at martial art schools is, “How much do you charge?” This actually should come much later down the line.
There are many different schools & programs to choose from these days, and each martial art school teaches a variety of techniques and has very different methods for achieving their desired results. Not only will these differences shape and define your experience, they will have a long lasting impact on your martial art progression as you continue your training over time.
No two schools are alike (unless part of some chain), and because of the diverse set of options available from the traditional martial arts to sport karate to mma (full contact fighting), we feel it is our responsibility to help educate the public about those choices and help people get past the initial knee-jerk consumerism of what is the cheapest and closest option, and strive for getting real and lasting results.
While our tuition rates are quite competitive, we do have options depending on what kinds of classes fit with your overall goals. And while these are flexible and we have a tremendous amount of offerings from monthly options to packages, our priority is making sure that our program is the best fit for you.
This is why we encourage everyone who is interested in martial art training to come in for a no obligation tour. At that time you can see our facility, meet with our staff to discuss your goals and reasons for martial art training, figure out the most appropriate class schedule for you, and then discuss the various tuition options.
This puts the focus on your goals and how our program will meet them. On the other hand if our program is not for you and your goals won’t be met through our complete training structure and vision – hey, no problem, no hard feelings and we wish you the best in your pursuits.
However, for us we want to make sure that we build relationships with our students, and that starts with your goals! We are not interested in signing up people who are not inspired about their training just to make a buck or in turn let students quit because they are not getting quality & meaningful results. First and foremost our goal is seeing personal success in all of our students and that you experience the benefits of real strength, better health, more confidence, complete martial art skills, and impactfull transformation.
So with this said, and because of the significant variety that we offer, we do not simply post our rates about our program. We are happy to to discuss them in person as we can then connect about the details of our training program, and again tour and/or trial class at your convenience is the best way to move forward.
Just drop us a line or give us a call (612) 824-KICK (5425), and we can roll from there!