Busy time of year for everyone, but don’t miss out on all the action at the dojang this weekend! A lot on the way so break down is as follows:
December Testing:
Friday = Kid’s Test 4:30-5:45pm
Saturday = Adult’s Test 10:45am
Kids & Adults, Sparring, Grappling, Belt Ceremony 11:30am-12:30pm
*Please get your test forms in!
Tae Soo Do Black Belt Graduation Ceremony
Immediately after the regular promotional examination ceremony there will be a special TSD Black Belt Graduation and demonstration for Nick, Stephanie, Logan, and Owen. They have been working very hard the past few years, and now ready to become true Hwarang and move onto their sashes!
Holiday Party & Demonstration
We will be putting on an ALL school demonstration for ALL ages and ranks of students. Everyone from the Little Tigers, Juniors, TLK Afterschool Kids, Adults, and Instructors will show off a variety of moves. Feel free to bring your family and friends for all the festivities – show them what you have been learning! Please come a little early to get your parking place, drop off the food, get in some warm-ups and bet ready for the demonstration as we will start the show promptly at 5:00pm. (Doors open at 4:30pm)
Pot-Luck Dinner will take place immediately after the demonstration. Please bring a dish to share, and check out the sign-up sheets on the counter at either 1st or 2nd floor for adding your name to the menu selection!
Party will go late, but feel free to stay as long as you can. I know there are other events this time of year – so have fun here and there!
Winter Break
As a reminder we will be having a normal schedule the week of December 14-18, however our annual winter vacation will be taking place Dec 19 to Jan 3. There will be open workout time available afternoon & evening on the Mondays through Wednesday, but otherwise, no official classes during the 2 weeks. All else returns as normal starting January 4th
See you on the mats!