Hello all,
As we enter the last month of winter (hopefully) and move into the spring months, I want to send you all a list of our calendar events from now through the end of summer, so you know what to expect and can be sure to mark your calendars for a couple of important dates. Please save this email for future reference of dates and event descriptions!
Annual MUSA Tournament:
First, please make sure that the MUSA Tournament on April 30th is a high priority in your calendar, as all students are expected to attend and participate. Anyone who is enrolled in a training program at our school is considered a student (Afterschool and Regular classes, Adults/Teens/Juniors/Tigers). This will be the first tournament we’ve been able to host in the last three years, so we would love to see all of our students back in the rings for competition that day. It will start in the morning and run through the afternoon, so please plan accordingly for a full day event. We know people have busy lives, so we will try our best to work with your schedule if you have a conflicting event, but we do want to see everyone there for at least 2 divisions if they can’t stay the whole day. There will be divisions for Long Form (or Basics for Tigers), Weapon Form, Sparring, Grappling, and Weapon Fighting! The Location is yet to be determined, but will likely be either at the Field Middle School where we’ve held it in the past, or here at the Dojang.
*More Details Coming Soon!
WHRDA Annual Event:
Another important event will be held on July 9th and 10th. While we usually have a week-long event with tournament and seminars for everyone to attend, this year’s event will again be a digital tournament and virtual seminar. The tournament submissions will be due sometime in June, and it is expected for all students to enter in at least one category; the division options for this event will be Open Hand Form (or Basics for Tigers), Weapon Form, Self-Defense, and Creative Demonstration. We will have the dojang & instructors available to help students record their performances if you are interested, and we will for sure have the dojang open for both days of the seminars. Digital Tournament winners will be announced sometime this seminar weekend. If you can’t make it to the dojang, you are also welcome to participate from home or your cabin (or anywhere with internet). You don’t want to miss this one, as opportunities to learn from Grandmaster and Supreme Grandmaster do not come around often. We look forward to seeing you all there!
*More Details Coming Soon!
Belt Tests:
All belt testing opportunities are listed below. We will not be holding a belt test in July, and there may or may not be an opportunity in August depending on how many people would be ready for a test. Anyone intending on taking the fall semester Black Belt exam should be prepared for their first exam to begin in September.
Release Days and Holidays:
We will not be holding Spring Break day camps this year, so there will only be the regular afternoon classes on those days. All TLK Afterschool students are welcome to attend a class on their scheduled days in order to make up for their missed afterschool training. Tigers are 4:35-5:10pm, and Juniors are 5:15-6:10pm (Monday-Thursday only; no classes available on Friday). The school and office will be closed for Memorial Day and Independence Day.
Summer Training and Summer Camps:
All summer camp dates are listed below for workshop-type skill improvement; these will not be curriculum or rank improvement based. For continued training in the summer, the regular classes are year-round so they will continue throughout the summer (with altered schedule times depending on class numbers); TLK Afterschool students will have Summer Pass, Summer Punch card, or Drop-In Options available. There will not be any TGT classes during the summer break.
Hwa Rang Do Minneapolis Calendar Dates through August 2022
Google Calendar Available Here
March 18th/19th = Belt Test (Black Belt Exam #1 on the 19th)
April 1st-10th = Spring Break (No TLK Afterschool or Camp Program; Regular Classes only)
April 22nd/23rd = Belt Test (Black Belt Exam #2 on the 23rd)
Saturday, April 30th = MUSA Tournament (All Day Event – all students expected to participate)
May 20th/21st = Belt Test (Black Belt Exam #3 on the 21st)
May 30th = School Closed for Memorial Day (No TLK Afterschool or Camp Program; No Regular Classes)
June 10th = Last Day of TLK Afterschool Program and TGT Classes
June 17th/18th = Belt Test (Black Belt Final Challenge and Graduation on the 18th)
June 13th-17th = Summer Camp #1
June 20th-24th = Summer Camp #2
July 4th = School Closed for Independence Day (No TLK Afterschool or Camp Program; No Regular Classes)
July 9th-10th = WHRDA Summer Seminar Global Event: (Virtual live seminars conducted by our head Grandmasters! Participation available here at the Dojang, home, or cabins). There will also be a global digital tournament this spring, and results will be announced sometime this weekend!
July 11th-15th = TLK Summer Camp #3
July 25th-29th = TLK Summer Camp #4
August 8th-12th = TLK Summer Camp #5
August 22nd-26th = TLK Summer Camp #6
Register for Summer Camps Here: https://hwarangdo.org/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=223
We appreciate your taking the time to read the above information and mark your calendars to ensure you don’t miss anything. Best Always!